23 articles
Reset a Cost in Soluno
Void Trust Checks Sent to Soluno
Void Costs Sent to Soluno
Split Costs with Soluno
Deposit a Check in Soluno
Sync Check Numbers From Soluno
Connect an Exisitng Soluno Casefile
Disconnect a Soluno Casefile
Track Soft Costs
Soluno Troubleshooting Tips
Activate the Soluno Integration
Connect a Soluno Vendor
Create a Soluno Client Casefile from Casepeer
Deactivate Your Linked Soluno Account
Delete Your Linked Soluno Account
Edit Your Linked Soluno Account
Send a Cost to Soluno
Stage a Client Trust for Disbursement
Stage an Advance or Partial Payment to Client
Stage a Final Client Check for a Minor or Other Conservatorship
Stage a Case Where Part of the Settlement Was Paid Directly to a Third Party
Stage Fees on the Settlement Tab
Waive or Reduce Costs