How to sync your Soluno account with CASEpeer.
The firm will need a designated Soluno user in order to integrate your Soluno account with CASEpeer.
Soluno onboarding should provide you with the designated Soluno login, keep this login handy as the integration will need to be unauthenticated once a month for security purposes.
Prior to activating the integration in CASEpeer, you will need to log into Soluno with the designated Soluno user credentials.
You will be asked to create a security question and answer. This will authenticate the user account.
NOTE: You may encounter an error message stating that your session was terminated and the authentication failed, you can disregard this message.
In CASEpeer
Navigate to the Icon in the top right corner of your account and select Account Settings from the drop-down menu.
Scroll down to Integrations.
Under Soluno, click the Activate button.
A pop-up window will prompt you to, enter your CASEpeer integration Soluno username and password.
Click Save.
A pop-up window will prompt you to set a default cost posting reference, default operating account, and default client trust account.
You may also select whether the invoices should be released automatically or reviewed in Soluno.
Click Save.
Soluno is now connected to your account.
NOTE: This can only be done by a firm administrator or someone with the administration settings page access permission.
In Soluno
The attorney worker's email in Soluno will need to match what was entered in CASEpeer.
The user will need the 'Records Time' option enabled.
Select the Gear icon in the upper right-hand corner.
Select Users.
Click on the pencil icon to the right of the user for which you want to enable the Records Time option.
Select Accounting.
Toggle on Records Time.
Select Save.
Invoices will need to be set to go directly to the Release Invoice tab.
Select the Gear icon in the upper right-hand corner.
Select Features on the Settings tab.
Toggle on Enable release invoice stage in billing.
Select Save.
Personal Injury will need to be added as a case type under areas of practice.
Select the Gear icon in the upper right-hand corner.
Select Areas of Practice.
If Personal Injury has not been added as a case type, select Add in the bottom left-hand corner.
Enter the case type Name and Description (ex: Name: PI / Description: Personal Injury) and select Save.
Verify that COPP and Property Damage have been added as activity codes. If not, these will need to be added.
Select the Gear icon in the upper right-hand corner.
Select Rates/Codes at the top of the screen.
Select Activity Code.
If COPP and Property Damage have not been set up as activity codes, select Add in the bottom left-hand corner to add these to Soluno.
Add a name, description, and the appropriate General Ledger Account information, and select Save.
You are now ready to send costs and trust balances from CASEpeer to Soluno.