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Case Status For Cases Referred to Another Law Firm for Litigation
Case Status For Cases Referred to Another Law Firm for Litigation
Updated over a week ago

There are four Referred Case Status options available in CASEPeer:

  • The Referred Open status is for cases that have been referred to another attorney or law firm, but remain in the Open cases list of your firm.

  • The Referred Accepted Open status is for cases that have been referred and accepted by another attorney or law firm, but remain in the Open cases list of your firm.

  • The Referred Closed status is for cases that have been referred out to another attorney or law firm and are now listed as Closed in your case list.

  • The Referred Accepted Closed status is for cases that have been referred and accepted by another attorney or law firm and are now listed as Closed in your case list.

After marking the case with one of the "Referred" statuses, the option to add a law firm and/or attorney is available. Add the firm or attorney in as an Attorney Lien to indicate a referral check will be coming in. It might also be helpful to add this to the Critical Case Note.

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