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Closed Cases Report
Updated over a week ago

The Closed Cases Report is an easy way to view all of your cases in closed out statuses in a specific time frame. The Closed Cases Report also gives an all-encompassing view of Total Settlement, Total Fee, and Total Medical Bill amounts.

NOTE: This is a permission-based report, if you do not have access please contact your firm administrator.

  • Closed cases include cases in Subbed Out, Subbed Out Lien Closed, Dropped Lien Closed, Dropped, Rejected, Referred, Referred Accepted, Subbed Out, Subbed Out Lien, Error/Duplicate, Closed and Storage - Physical, Storage - Digital statuses.

  • Filter by dates, case type, case status, lead attorney, intake worker, litigation firm, case manager, supervising attorney, races, worker, source type and source detail.

  • Search for a case with the search bar.

  • Click on the dropdown menu next to the case to add note, add task, view case details, or edit assignments.

  • Sort by a specific column by clicking on the arrows next to the column heading.

  • Export this report to CSV by clicking the "Export" button on the right hand side.

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