How to pause automated tasks. This can be helpful if you'd like to hold off on applying tasks while working on a CASEplan or if you want to disable a task without deleting it.
Pause All CASEplan Tasks
Navigate to the Icon in the top right corner of your account and select CASEplan.
Click Pause All on the right-hand side of the screen.
The green dots to the left of the tasks are now grey.
These tasks will not be applied to cases until they are Activated.
Pause CASEplan Tasks by Status or Case Type
Sort by case status and or case type and click Update.
Select Pause All.
The green dots to the left of the task you selected are now grey.
These tasks will not be applied until they are Activated.
Pause CASEplan Tasks Individually
Click the grey dropdown arrow to the right of the task you'd like to suspend.
Select Pause.
The green dot to the left of the task is now grey.
This task will not be applied until it is Activated.