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Export All Firm Data
Updated over a week ago

How to export of all your cases from CASEpeer.

  • NOTE: This can only be requested by someone with the Export Data Page Access permission.

  • The email associated with your CASEpeer account will receive an email from CASEpeer with the subject Your CASEpeer data export is available.

  • Click the link in the body of the email.

  • You will be redirected to your CASEpeer account, you must be logged into the account the export was triggered for security purposes.

  • On the Export Firm Data page, click Launch Export.

  • The page will then look like this:

  • Once the launch is finished, you will receive an email with the subject line Your CASEpeer data export is ready to download!

  • Click the link in the body of the email.

  • You will be redirected to your CASEpeer account, on the Export Firm Data page, click Download.

  • Your browser will download a zip file containing your firm’s data.

  • NOTE: This export only contains case data. Documents, photos, and recordings need to be requested separately by emailing

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