If you are experiencing issues with the CASEpeer Outlook Add-in, try the following:
NOTE: Before attempting any of these troubleshooting techniques, ensure that you are adding and using the CASEpeer Add-in through the Microsoft Outlook app and not the browser version.
For problems with accessing the Get Add-Ins button in Outlook:
Verify you are using the latest version of Outlook. Here's how to check which version of Outlook you have.
Verify the New Outlook option is turned Off. If New Outlook is turned On, turn it Off and restart Outlook.
Verify that you are Online in Outlook.
If you are unable to locate the Add Custom Add-In button please paste this link to your browser: https://aka.ms/olksideload this link will take you to that page directly
Navigate to the Send/Receive Tab,
Click on Work Offline to reconnect.
Verify that your Connected Experiences are enabled. Read more on Connected Experiences.
Navigate to File.
Select Office Account.
Select Manage Settings.
Navigate to the Outlook dropdown menu in the desktop toolbar next to the Apple logo.
Select Preferences and click on Privacy.
Click on Manage Connected Experiences and make sure all Connected Experiences are enabled.
If you are still unable to access the Get Add-Ins button, remove your email account from Outlook and re-add it.
Navigate to File.
Select the Account Settings dropdown, and click on Account Settings.
Select the account you want to remove and select Remove.
Click Yes to confirm the removal.
Here's more on Email Account Removal for Windows users.
Navigate to the Outlook dropdown menu in the desktop toolbar next to the Apple logo.
Select Preferences and click on Accounts.
Click on the account you want to remove.
Click on the Minus toward the bottom left of the screen.
Select Delete From This Device.
Once the email account has been removed, restart Outlook and re-add your email account.
For problems with logging into the CASEpeer Add-in:
NOTE: The Username field auto-capitalizes the first letter and is case-sensitive.
Verify that your Username is typed exactly as it appears in CASEpeer.
If either the Username or Password is entered incorrectly, you will remain on the Loading Screen.
If you are stuck on the Loading Screen, exit and reopen the CASEpeer Add-in to try logging in again.
For problems with the CASEpeer Add-in appearing grayed out:
Navigate to the Organize Section of the toolbar.
Click on the dropdown for Reading Pane.
Select Right or Bottom to turn on the Reading Pane.
The CASEpeer Add-in will now appear in full color.