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Productivity Report
Updated over a week ago

The Productivity Report allows you to oversee completed tasks, incoming tasks, outgoing tasks, medical requests sent and received, sent and received demands and offers, and total accepted liens for each worker at your firm.

Management can use this report to track the productivity month to month of their firm by overseeing how many tasks were completed and how many notes were made by each worker.

  • Filter by a specific time frame by selecting a date range and clicking "update," otherwise the report will default to the current month.

  • Filter by any worker with the Employee dropdown.

  • Search for an employee with the search bar.

  • Sort by a specific column by clicking on the arrows next to the column heading.

  • Export this report to Excel or CSV by clicking the "Export" button on the right-hand side.

  • Select the Graph button on the right-hand side to view the productivity graph.

  • This is a permission-based report, if you do not have access please contact your firm administrator.

Screenshot 2023-09-15 at 7.29.13 PM.png
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