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CP New Features
Updated over a week ago


  • Dynamically calculate the still owed amount for medical treatment

  • Retain folder location when modifying documents

  • Add Trip / Fall case type


  • Add option to edit fee logic when taking settlement fees

  • Add a new keyword for the worker's comp adjuster email

  • Update to the settlement worksheet to include settlement offer amounts and projected fees

  • Add payee rows to the Settlement Advance Loan, Health Insurance Liens, Attorney Liens, and Miscellaneous Liens sections of the settlement worksheet

  • Dynamically calculate the totals for Settlement Advance Loan, Medical Bills, Health Insurance Liens, Attorney Liens, and Miscellaneous Liens sections of the settlement worksheet

  • Dynamically calculate the net-to-client on the settlement worksheet

  • 7/31/2024

  • Update to Zapier note creation

  • Add process service contact type to merge contact list

  • Update to settlement worksheet to include settlement proceeds, settlement fees, medpay proceeds, and medpay fees reference totals

  • Update to discovery filter within the Discovery Tab

  • Add split fees functionality to the Settlement Tab

  • Require unique email addresses for new users

  • Update to Nebraska wrongful death SOL

  • Update to Louisiana SOL


Attach a CV to an Expert Witness Contact

You can now save a CV directly to an expert witness contact, making it easier to access and manage expert information. Learn more here.

Access Client, Police Agency, Court, Judge, and Mediator Templates from the Documents Tab

Easily generate and manage essential templates directly from the Documents Tab. Access all your templates in one place for seamless document creation. Discover how here.

New Case Assignment Notifications

Stay informed with notifications for new case assignments to the intake worker, lien negotiator, and accountant, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

New Keywords in the Litigation Tab

We’ve added new keywords for filed, service, affidavit, served, default, answered, appeared, and dismissed dates, allowing for more precise tracking and management of litigation details.


RingCentral Fax Integration

Send faxes directly from the Documents tab within a case, eliminating the need to switch between applications and saving you valuable time.

2-Way Calendar Sync

Ensures that events created in your personal calendar are automatically reflected in your CASEpeer calendar and vice versa. This keeps everyone informed and eliminates the risk of scheduling conflicts.

Unrequested Medical Requests

Allows you to track both requested, but not yet received billing or record requests, and filter by cases with providers who haven't responded to your requests. This streamlines data collection and ensures you have the complete picture for your cases.

  • Option to ‘remember a device for 30 days’ with 2FA

  • Plaintiff and Defendant insurance claim notes now show on the Home Tab of a case

  • Pop-up warning when canceling or deleting an e-signature request

  • Ability to filter by document categories in a folder

  • Added Fees In, Def 1 Limits and UM/UIM Limits columns to the Settlement Report

  • New autonote when a client’s email or address is updated including original details

  • QBO asset accounts can now be synced with the integration

  • Soluno Integration - update to cost splitting

  • Update to bill creation for QBO integration

  • Update to ‘total_final_bills_health_insurance’ keyword


  • Add Pinned Note section to all tabs with notes

  • Option to reset 2FA for a user

  • Add error message to Account Settings when a deactivated user is present

  • Update to preferred phone number extension on case index

  • Update to messages for tasks completed with a note


  • Downloading case files now sends a link to avoid time out on large cases

  • CASEplan Management page updated for functionality

  • Update to cost request notifications with payee address

  • Update to 'can edit case status' permission to view case workers

  • Update to incident description keyword

  • Update to event times reverting to 12am


  • PDF Editing with Adobe


  • 4-10 and 10+ filter option on Lien Holder Report

  • Added Case Grade permission

  • Update to Nebraska Med Mal SOL

  • Remove Orange from court county dropdown on Litigation Tab

  • Modify Photos Tab for efficiency

  • Update to e-signature access based on stripe subscription


Edit the Paid Date for Costs

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Set the Key Client Photo and Key Damage Photo Using List View

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Exclude Referred Cases on the Retained Case Report

  • Allows users to include or exclude referred cases on the Retained Report.

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Case Grades

Available with CASEpeer Advanced

  • CASEpeer’s Case Grades helps your law firm establish a process for evaluating and prioritizing cases. Customize the firms grading process and implement regular case reviews. Don’t let anything slip through the cracks: flag high value cases for litigation early, identify claims that may be a drain on firm resources, encourage accountability for responsible attorneys and staff.

    • Our Case Review Report is the easiest way to implement monthly personal injury file reviews

    • Permission settings include a built-in review layer for case grade changes

    • Manage updates quickly using the Case Grade Management report

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Assign CASEplan Tasks to Offices

Available with CASEpeer Advanced

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Other Updates:

  • Retained Report and Intake Report updated to track the retained date entered under the Case Index.

  • New keyword for including all providers and all their original bills for all linked cases

  • Alphabetized list of expert witness contacts when adding a cost request

  • Option to Filter by "None" under the Specialty drop-down on the Health Providers Report

  • California government entity defendant type statute of limitations updated to 6 months

  • Nebraska medical malpractice case type statute of limitations updated to 2 years

  • Pop-up alert when a document file name is too long

  • Soluno Integration - New default setting to allow all fee invoices to be sent to the "Review Charges" screen

  • Soluno Integration - Pop-up alert if an office has not been assigned to the case

  • Update to negotiations export on the Settlement Tab to include multiple demands

  • Update to Completed Tasks tab to filter by the "Completed By" user

  • Update to Medical Treatment Tab to include the names of medical providers when printing


Client Intake Form now available in multiple languages

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Finalized E-Signature documents available via text

  • A link to fully executed E-Signature documents is automatically sent via text and saved to the case.

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Optimize Case Statuses

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Non-binary Gender Option

  • Ability to assign non-binary gender for cases including applicable template keywords.

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Lien Holder Report

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Other Updates:

  • Ability to move documents stored with the OneDrive integration to another folder

  • Ability to customize Client Intake Form link expiration length

  • Client Portal activation link extended to 72 hours

  • Referred By field column available on Retained and Open Case Reports

  • Option to search by DOI in search bar

  • Intake dashboard now includes Intake Packet case status

  • New keyword for 3rd party insurance name and total of accepted offers

  • New keyword for 1st party insurance name and total of accepted offers

  • New policy limits - 20k, 25k/100k, 1mil/2mil & 1.5 mil

  • Michigan No Fault/PIP Case Type SOL updated from 3 to 1 year

  • Montana Medical Malpractice Case Type SOL updated from 3 to 2 years

  • Records on Time Integration - added driver's license field

  • Soluno Integration - added client address override option

  • Soluno Integration - ability to enable release stage option for invoices under Account Settings

  • Soluno Integration - ability to close a case in Soluno if it’s closed in CASEpeer

  • Update to case search display for clients with multiple cases

  • Update to case assignment message

  • Update to the ability to email case notes

  • Update to FileSync

  • Update to the Case Statistics Report

  • Update to Account Settings editing

  • Update to task deletion under User Management

  • Update to photo rotation functionality

  • Update to Incident Details pop-up

  • Update to Hona integration


Search by client nickname

  • Locate a client case with ease by nickname using the main search bar.

Case Statistics Report

  • Gain a full view of your firm's performance across the organization, with visibility into new signups, lawsuits filed, and settlement amounts, all within the Case Statistics Report.

Rotate Photos

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Generated templates will autosave to a case

  • Have peace of mind that crucial documents are all saved in one place.

Other Updates:

  • Ability to direct a note to a worker when completing a task

  • Case type visible in case search and bulk costs results

  • Added Retained Date column to Dropped Cases Report

  • Ability to assign Templates based on Office or Team

  • Insurance address now visible on Client and Defendant Tabs

  • Added Conflict of Interest to Dropped Case reason drop-down

  • Ability to assign Office or Team permissions when creating a worker

  • Idaho Workers' Comp Case Type SOL updated from 2 to 5 years

  • Added ability to filter for cases over 90 days old in My Cases Report

  • New keyword for estimated net to client on unaccepted offers

  • New keyword for total of all final medical bills and health insurance liens

  • New keyword for the settlement subtotal after subtracting attorney fees

  • New keyword for the newest offer subtotal after subtracting projected attorney fees

  • New keyword for current settlement subtotal after subtracting the total bills and health insurance liens from the original settlement subtotal

  • New keyword for current subtotal after subtracting the total bills and health insurance liens from the original newest offer subtotal

  • Added ‘accepts liens’ column to Health Provider Report

  • Added case assistant drop-down to Fees In Report

  • Added case assistant drop-down to Demand Report

  • Ability to customize Case Status integration notifications under Account Settings

  • Soluno integration will now show a list of attorney workers available for case assignments

  • Ability to view Soluno trust balance from the Client Trust Management page

  • Soluno pop-up message if a contact needs an address

  • Milestones Integration rebranded to Hona

  • Update to document category spacing

  • Update to Intake Portal

  • Update to Referred Tab

  • Update to referred and subout fees on Client Trust

  • Update to Kennect integration activation

  • Update to projected fees keyword

  • Update to multi-day calendar events

  • Update to the Lead Attorney column on the Lien Negotiations Management Screen

April 20th, 2023

  • Sharable Links

  • Document folder tempates

  • Updates to the account settings page

  • Added “sync open cases” functionality to Case Status integration

  • Updates to Soluno integration

  • New keywords: newest_offer, total_projected_fee, total_medpay_projected, all_costs_unpaid_paid

March 24th, 2023

  • Text Templates

  • Productivity Graph

  • New permissions for OneDrive folder creation

  • Soluno integration updates

  • Open Cases Report - added case ID column

  • Update to Dropbox Sign integration

February 9th, 2023

  • Task reassignment with multiselect

  • Multi-select added to User Administration with ability to "deactivate"

  • New permission added to accept offers

  • Minor updates to the Case Status Report

  • Updates to Soluno integration

  • Ability to add a photo ID for Records on Time Integration

  • Update to billing and records addresses on Medical Treatment Tab

  • Update to missing client address pop-up

January 10th, 2023

  • block email signature photos

  • Lawpay Integration

  • Calendar agenda view

  • View multiple calendars

  • Ability to filter out trivial cases on the Fee Report

  • One auto note added to support multiple photo uploads

  • Client communication column added to the Lien Negotiation Management page

  • UM/UIM insurance name column added to the Settlement Report

  • New permission - user can block images from emails

  • Client phone number column added to the Intake Report

  • Added 25k/100k insurance policy limit

October 10, 2022

  • Clickable Headers to edit

  • Track unique referrals with the new referral box on intakes and the case index

  • added the estimated fund date, policy limits, insurance companies, and the case closed date retained cases reports

  • Review of folder and folder content when deleting documents

  • Update to injury checklist

  • Update on compatibility with HEIC files

  • Update to cost request addresses for medical providers

August 30th, 2022

  • Texting icon will appear light grey when a client opts out of texting

  • Previous text history will now be visible for clients that have opted out of texting

  • First name, last name, date of birth, deceased, incident address, and client address columns added to the Mass Tort Report

  • Intake Worker column added to the Dropped Report

  • Completed litigation events no longer show on the Calendar Report

  • Contact histories can now be exported from anywhere contact history is available

  • Case ID column is now included in the Notes Report export

  • Updated Payee to Issuer/Payee when editing entries on the Client Trust of the Settlement Tab

  • Update to the editing of Health Provider billing information

  • Case Status Integration - Documents now automatically sync to the case

July 27th, 2022

  • Multi-select on case Tasks

  • Ability to export client text history

  • Customizable Document Folders

  • Kenect Integration

  • MultusMedical Integration

  • Ability to make deposits to Soluno from CASEpeer

  • Ability to take additional fees on settlement demands

  • Messages will automatically delete after 90 days

  • Added 'Reconciled' as a filter and column to the Issued Payments Report

  • Health Providers marked 'Do Not Use' will be displayed in the Contact Directory

  • Ability to apply text formatting when replying to messages

  • Added Incident Address column to Open Cases Report

  • Ability to replace worker in Accountant role

June 30th, 2022

  • Records on Time Integration

  • Case Status Report shows statuses

  • Larger texting window

  • Date of Incident column on all case-related reports

  • Ability to expand the size of the Critical Case Note field

  • Zapier Integration - Source Type and Source Detail fields can now get pulled into 'zaps'

  • Updated statute reminder message and inactive cases message to include case status

  • Updated statute of limitations to 1 year for DUI cases in AZ

  • Ability for text stylization in Treatment Description field: bullet points, bolding, etc.

  • Ability to sort reports by DOI

  • New note category: Collections

May 18th, 2022

  • Single Use case for Hellosign templates

  • Ability to "customize" CP Reports

  • Add "Unemployed" to the Employment Tab

  • Add Auto Note When Client Phone Number is Edited/Changed

  • Include the Custom Tab in the Sort Case Tab Order Option

  • Updates to Add a Drop Down on the Medical Requests Report

  • Add Outstanding Tasks Column to Productivity Report

  • Add Wrongful Death Statute for AZ - Include Minors

  • Add Total Projected Column on Open Cases Report

  • Lien Negotiator Column on Open Cases Report

  • Preserve Formatting on Treatment Description Field

  • Add column to Completed Tasks section for "completed by"

  • Florida Statute Date Calculation for Minors

  • Wrongful death statute updates - AZ

April 27th, 2022

  • Custom Document Categories

  • CASEplan tasks can be assigned to specific employees

  • Ability to mark as paid in Bulk Cost uploads

  • Update to Settlement Negotiations screen

  • Added Note field to Client Index

  • Update to Litigation Dashboard

  • Ability to submit a fee change request for Medpay Fees

  • Added 'Cousin' as an option for Emergency Contact

  • Added Demand Note column to Demand Report

  • Update to Excel exports

  • Update to Case Details window

  • Added Court Case Name to advanced search options

  • Update to All Day Events functionality

  • Ability to add a note to Client Contact Card

  • Ability to sort the Completed Note column on Task Management page

  • Added options to Contact Relationship dropdown - 'Guardian' & 'Administrator of the estate'

  • Update to status for medical records & billing to change to 'received'

  • QuickBooks Online Integration - Invoice number now automatically populates

  • Soluno Integration - Memo on trust checks updated to have client's first and last name

April 8th, 2022

  • Case Details update on reports.

  • Added "defendant DUI" and "plaintiff DUI" to Incident Details window

  • Added “Case Type” option in Missing Information Drop Down on Missing Data Report

  • Update to Advanced Search screen

  • New form-fillers on Treatment Details on Injuries Tab

March 30th, 2022

  • Rolling 30 days - rolling 365 days for E-signature Management

  • Multiple select on messages (Message center upgrades)

  • Multi-Select on E-Signature Templates Page

  • Social Security Number Visible

  • Ability to search by Incident Report Number

  • Update to Law Firm History pop-up

  • Added Hip Injury to Injuries Section on the Intake screen

  • New auto note when client name is edited in the Case Index Popup

  • New note when File Number is added or edited

  • Added Last Touched column to Client Trust Report

  • Added Contact Type filter on Issued Payments Report

  • Update to the Federal Entity defendant statute

  • Updated Litigation Date Fields to include slashes

  • Added 'Lead Case Only' filter to Retained Cases Report

  • Update to display of social security number on the Client Tab

  • Added Completion Note column to Task Management Completed section

  • Ability to Push Trust Checks Back to Client Trust from Pending - Client Trust Management

  • Ability to Load Notes Tab from Client Communication Shortcut on Home Tab

March 9th, 2022

  • Two Factor Authentication & Single Sign-On (Hidden)

  • Create Sync To Soluno multi-select option for Pending tab of Costs Management Soluno

  • Rectify Costs Management Regular and QBO

  • QBO Sync button to sync all costs similar to soluno

  • New Report - Case Status Report

  • New LR Status: Signed Distribution Sheet or Pre Distribution

  • Added a column to the open cases report "Filed Date"

  • Added defendant address in the "add defendant" popup

  • UpdatedReview Functionality: When a Client Texts "Yes" an automated message is sent to the firm

  • Added Multiple Select on Notes Drafts Management & case filter

  • Added Note Draft

  • Updated Display total number of pending items on Client Trust screen by case, not line item

  • Added Column for Date Reviewer Was Assigned to Review the Document in the Review Center

  • Updated statue for Maryland for 2 years for Workers Comp case type

  • Updated CA Federal Entity Statutes

Feburary 16, 2022

  • Additional Zapier functionality - Zapier triggers for multiple automations. Case status subcategories are now available within case status automations. Client texting through Zapier now includes a URL attachment in the text message content.

  • Time in Disbursement Column added to Disbursement Overview screen

  • Soluno Integration - messages only send for faile payments rather than successful ones

  • Mail Review Center now refreshes to current section when page reloads

  • Missing Data Report now filters on unique cases

  • Missing Data Report dropdown list is now alphabetized

  • Client names are now capitalized in Report, Management, and Overview exports

  • New auto note when costs are split on linked cases

  • Costs Management screen display is now optimized

  • Date of Incident included on Incident Tab when a case is printed or saved as a PDF

  • Updated the Edit Insurance Contacts permission view

  • Update to search capabilities in Report Tab

  • Improved visibility to 'Reply' button in Messages

  • Updated Nebraska statute for Workers Compensation cases to 2 years

  • Updated Ohio statute for Medical Malpractice cases to 1 year

  • Ability to add Tab Access when uploading recordings from Mail Center

  • Client communication date now updates on Home Tab, My Cases & Open Cases reports when a note is deleted

  • Update to Advanced Case Search display

  • Health Insurance on Home Tab now stays blank until 'no insurance' is checked

  • Soluno Integration - Voided checks are now synced back to CASEpeer

  • Update to saving adjusters on the Insurance Adjuster Report

  • Update to October view on Dashboard calendar

  • Update to number of tasks display on Dashboard

January 26, 2022

  • Re-send signed E-signature Documents

  • Text notification Trigger with Zapier

  • Added Estimated Case Value column to Retained Cases Report

  • Indicate if a client has no health insurance on the Health Insurance Tab

  • Inactive Cases Message can now be turned off under Profile Settings

  • Statute Reminders can now be turned off under Profile Settings

  • Soluno Integration - Update to API reconnection pop-up

  • Update to text message display when photos are included

  • Update to cost splitting functionality when clients have the same name

January 12, 2022

  • Zapier Integration - Leads and change of case statuses

  • Division of Lien Negotiations and Disbursement Sheets

  • New case status - Pursuing MedPay

  • Added 'Incident Report Number' option on Missing Data Report

  • 'Respondent' option now available in the 'Propounded By' dropdown on Discovery Tab

  • New document category: 'Evidence'

  • Urgent tasks are now displayed at the top of tasks list on the dashboard

  • Ability to filter by Lien Negotiator is now available in the Client Trust Report

  • Assigned Lien Negotiator name has been added to the Client Trust Report

  • Lien Holder contact note now displays on Medical Treatment Tab

  • Miscellaneous Lien contact note now displays on Miscellaneous Lien Tab

  • Cancel and Delete options are no longer available on completed E-signatureScreens

  • Update to text wrap in Email Section of Mail Review Center

  • Update to case search in Safari Browser

  • Update to export to include provider contact specialties

December 15, 2021

  • Password Protect Files

  • Predictive Search

  • Track Pain Management on Treatment Management

  • Ability to upload PDFs to the Photos Tab

  • Ability to reset your password with your username and email address

  • Documents signed with CASEpeer's E-Signature will automatically be sent to all parties after fully executed

  • Ability to view lien reduction history for subrogation contacts

  • Message inbox now remembers your filter settings

  • New permission - Setting case ratings

  • New keyword for Client Adjuster Cell Phone

  • New autonote when a password protected case is accessed

  • Added 'Open/Closed' and 'Case Status' filters to Task Management screen

  • Tax ID is now displayed on the Medical Treatment Tab

  • Insurance Company dropdown on Insurance Adjuster Report now displays the city, state, and zip

  • Enhancements to E-Signature Templates page

  • Update to E-Signature Template functionality

  • Update to document description text box on the Documents Tab

  • Update to date of medical bills or records that have been re-requested

  • Soluno Integration - Multiple select now available on Cost Management screen

  • Soluno Integration - Ability to deactivate under Account Settings

November 17, 2021

  • High Value Case Report

  • Customize Case Tab Order

  • New auto note when document names change

  • Ability to bulk remove future case events on closed cases

  • Improved case search dropdown on 'add event' form

  • Ability to copy the case bcc email from the case dropdown in search results

  • Added columns to the Insurance Adjusters Report: Phone & Email

  • Document Tab now refreshes to current page after saving a change

  • Searched text highlights added back to Notes Tab and Notes Report

  • Update to Litigation Event Date Calculator

  • Hyperlinked client's phone number in the case index

  • Added 'demand' option in Missing Data Report to see cases without a demand

  • Added two new note categories: Fax & Mail

  • Sub Out Law Firm Name now displays on Sub Out Lien Tab

  • Updated case dropdown when adding or editing a calendar event

  • Soluno integration: Ability to edit email address for Soluno API users

  • Soluno integration: Cases connected to Soluno will display the case file number

  • Soluno integration: Ability to 'View Soluno Balance' on Client Trust Management

October 21, 2021

  • File Sync

  • Rebrand

October 12, 2021

  • Document Versioning

  • Text e-signature contracts

  • Pin and preview notes

  • Searched text highlights on Notes Tab and Notes Report

  • Added 'Last Date of Client Communication' as a green bar on the Home Tab

  • Ability to filter on 'Lead Cases' in Open Cases Report

  • Added Critical Case Note column to the Open Cases Report

  • Completed Discovery items removed from all calendars

  • Added a case-specific note field for the defendant's & client's insurance

  • User Management is now scrollable and easy to sort

  • Document names in Mail Center are preserved if edited

  • Documents names are preserved when downloaded from Document Shortcuts

  • Client Portal preserves note format

  • Client Portal emails include law firm name

  • Client Portal shows password requirements

  • Final Amount on Medical Bills section on Settlement Tab now auto-pulls from Original Bill amount

  • New permission for pinning notes

  • Law firm name shows on 'Referred To' Tab

  • Cell Phone Field is now visible when editing a defendant's contact details

  • ChartSquad Integration - Ability to request a specific date range when requesting records

  • E-Fax integration - Option to fax from Documents Tab

  • Update to OneDrive document display

  • Update to the 'Referred To' Tab while editing contacts

  • Update to Contact Directory permissions

  • Update to calendar event pop-up

September 1, 2021

  • The calendar view will now default to 8:00 AM

  • Federal Holidays are an option under Event Filters.

  • Search by case file number and file number shows on case search results

  • Check deposited case status

  • Increased character limit on CASEplan task descriptions to 500 characters

  • Case status dropdown displays more case statuses when updating the status of the case

  • Cost Request messages now include information on the payee name, address, file number, and invoice number

  • Added additional Medical Provider specialties

    • Vocational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Therapy, Primary Care Provider, Neuropathy, Osteopathy, Sports Medicine, Optometry, Cognitive Therapy

  • CASEpeer Calendar automatically resyncs when a user edits which event types sync to their external calendar

  • Expanded county name field on Incident Tab

July 30, 2021

  • Multiselcet on Litigation Management

  • Multiselect on the Litigation Tab

  • Case Name on Litigation Events

  • Improved visibility for All Day events on the calendar

  • Litigation case name will now show in the Case Index

  • Added user's last login date to User Management

  • Added Source Type, Source Detail, Statute Date, and Total Deposited columns to the Open Case Report

  • Added Source Type and Source Detail columns to Dropped Cases Report

  • Moved Date of Death field to Client Tab

  • Deceased clients with a date of death will stop calculating the client's age

  • Mail Review Center page optimizations

  • Mail Center page optimizations

  • New auto note when defendant details are added to a case

  • Enhanced view when searching for documents

  • Added a note field to the Incident Report section

  • Litigation Event auto notes will include more event details

  • Added new permission for deleting litigation events

  • Updated view of Medical Bills section on Settlement Tab

  • New keyword 'trial_date' generates date of trial

  • New keyword 'all_attorney_liens_block' lists all attorneys on Attorney Liens Tab with contact information

  • Soluno Integration - permission to view “stage fees” button on Settlement Tab

  • Update to Trial Date section on Home Tab

  • Update to Law Firm Contact Histories

June 30, 2021

  • Multiselect on documents

  • Multiselect on photos

  • 500 character critical case note

  • D document short cut

  • Full names of workers show in Reports, Management, and Overview screens

  • Litigation events moved to the bottom of the Litigation Tab

  • Ability to add cost codes on bulk costs

  • Notes Report will no longer include 'directed to' notes when filtering on worker

  • Added new Policy Limit - 1.25 million

  • CalendarRules Integration - Ability to add a description when creating events

  • CalendarRules Integration - Assign workers now at top when creating events

  • New auto note when defendant details are added

  • New auto note when a user adds or edits an event on a case calendar

  • 'all_providers_billing_block' - generates all of the providers on a case with their billing address & phone number

  • 'police_contact_block' - generates name and address of police contact

  • Litigation status will be blank if no status is listed on Litigation Management

  • Update to subrogation auto note

  • Update to formatting of the defendant phone number

  • Update to litigation event formatting

  • Update to Date Range filter in Time Tracking Report

  • Update to document viewer window in Document Search

April 30, 2021

  • Client Intake Forms

  • Bulk add costs

  • Added "total accepted liens" tracking to the Productivity Report

  • Update to formatting on email notes on Notes Tab

  • New auto note preserving old adjuster information when an adjuster is updated

  • New auto note when Date of Incident is updated

  • New case status "Pending Litigation"

  • New case status “Waiting Minors Birthday”

  • Updated new calendar event end times to adapt based on start time

  • Updated Florida statute for Maritime cases to 3 years

  • Updated Notes Tab export functionality

April 2, 2021

  • Sort by timeframe and choose whether or not emails and auto notes are included on the Notes Tab

  • Added case status dropdown to Settlement Management screen

  • Added new expert witness types - Childcare Expert & Pathology

  • Updated display of 33.33% fee logic to 33 1/3%

  • Added 33.33% fee logic option

  • New keyword 'litigation_firm' generates litigation firm name assigned to a case

  • New keyword 'defendant_attorney_cell' generates defendant attorney cell phone number

  • E-signature Management page optimizations

  • Updated Arizona statute of limitations for dog bite to 1 year

  • Updated Arizona statute of limitations for worker's comp to 1 year

  • Updated Missouri statute of limitations for worker's comp to 2 years

  • Updated Missouri statute of limitations for public entity defendants to 2 years

  • Update to directed notes in Message Center

  • Update to text formatting on DMV section of Incident Tab

  • Update to subrogation pop up on Health Insurance Tab

March 3, 2021

  • Multiselect on Task Management

  • Edit case index from Reports, Management and Overview screens

  • Double arrow added to calendar navigation

  • Added Total Notes aggregate box to Open Case Report

  • Added Estimated Fund Date column to Open Cases Report

  • Added total Case Notes column to Notes Report

  • Added total Case Notes column to to Closed Case Report

  • Added total Case Notes column to to Fees In Report

  • Added Deceased column on Client Report

  • Added ability to filter out deceased clients from Client Report

  • Updated 'African American' on race dropdown to 'Black or African American'

  • Litigation Event Plan automatic notes now include event specific details

  • New calendar events will no longer default to 'all day' events

  • Added popup warning 'this action cannot be undone' when removing a provider from a case

  • Added popup warning 'this action cannot be undone' when bulk deleting tasks

  • Added 33% as a default settlement fee option

  • New keyword 'death_time' generates client time of death

  • New keyword 'death_dod' generates client date of death

  • Update to payee name for liens on Settlement Negotiation Tab

  • Update to print case option

  • ChartSquad Integration - Update to Create Client popup

February 3, 2021

  • Date and time of death to deceased clients

  • Added cell phone numbers to contacts

  • Added Date and Time of Death fields to Wrongful Death and Medical Malpractice cases on the Incident Tab

  • Date of Death for Wrongful Death and Medical Malpractice cases will display in Critical Case Note

  • New auto note when a client is marked as 'Deceased'

  • Default case workers will now receive a message and notification when a new case is created and automatically assigned

  • Accountants can now be assigned as default case workers in Account Settings

  • Added ability to 'Remove All' events for Litigation Event Plans on Litigation Tab

  • Added new health provider specialties - Endocrinology & Hematology

  • Added new expert witness types - Biomechanics, Cell Phone, Medical Billing & Social Worker

  • Added new document category - Settlement

  • Archived tasks will no longer show on the calendar

  • Added ability to view plaintiff or defendant insurance history from the Contact Directory

  • Added OneDrive Business option to integrations under Account Settings

  • Added click-to-call functionality to Client Insurance and Adjuster phone numbers

  • Updated Kentucky statute of limitations for Worker's Compensation case types to two years

  • Update to firm texting number display in Account Settings

  • Update to clearing selected items in dropdowns

  • Update to "defendant_served" keyword output

  • Update to phone number field in Client contact details

  • Update to wrapping of note category column on Notes Tab

  • ChartSquad Integration - Fax number is no longer required for requests

  • Soluno Integration - Added Queued Tab to Client Trust Management

  • Soluno Integration - Added Queued Tab to Costs Management

  • "all_employers" - generates all employers listed on a case

  • "litigation_assistant_first" - generates assigned litigation assistant first name

  • "litigation_assistant_middle" - generates assigned litigation assistant middle name

  • "litigation_assistant_last" - generates assigned litigation assistant last name

  • "litigation_assistant_initials" - generates assigned litigation assistant initials

  • "litigation_assistant_middle_initial" - generates assigned litigation assistant middle initial

  • "litigation_assistant_phone" - generates assigned litigation assistant phone number

  • "litigation_assistant_fax" - generates assigned litigation assistant fax number

  • "litigation_assistant_ext" - generates assigned litigation assistant phone extension

  • "litigation_assistant_email" - generates assigned litigation assistant email

  • "litigation_assistant_suffix" - generates assigned litigation assistant suffix

  • "litigation_assistant_bar_number" - generates assigned litigation assistant bar number

  • "litigation_assistant_address_p1" - generates assigned litigation assistant street 1 & 2

  • "litigation_assistant_address_p2" - generates assigned litigation assistant city, state & zip

December 22, 2020

  • Litigation Event Plans

  • Added ability to filter all reports by the Case Status Category

  • Added a 'deceased' checkbox to the Client Tab

  • Updated the new defendant pop-up to restrict defendant search only on linked cases, and search results will only display defendants on cases with the same date of loss, unless case is a Mass Tort

  • Added record and billing requests for prior health providers to the Medical Request Report

  • Added firm wide calendar events to the Calendar Report when filtered by user

  • New Permission - User can create Litigation Event Plans

  • Added the "auto" note category to several automatic notes

  • Soluno Integration - Updated the disbursed section of Client Trust Management to show only last 30 days

  • "incident_state" - generates state of incident

  • "incident_city" - generates city of incident

  • "provider_office_payee" - generates provider office payee name

  • "intake_worker_first" - generates assigned intake worker first name

  • "intake_worker_middle" - generates assigned intake worker middle name

  • "intake_worker_last" - generates assigned intake worker last name

  • "intake_worker_initials" - generates assigned intake worker initials

  • "intake_worker_middle_initial" - generates assigned intake worker middle initial

  • "intake_worker_phone" - generates assigned intake worker phone number

  • "intake_worker_fax" - generates assigned intake worker fax number

  • "intake_worker_ext" - generates assigned intake worker phone extension

  • "intake_worker_email" - generates assigned intake worker email

  • "intake_worker_suffix" - generates assigned intake worker suffix

  • "intake_worker_bar_number" - generates assigned intake worker bar number

  • "intake_worker_address_p1" - generates assigned intake worker street 1 & 2

  • "intake_worker_address_p2" - generates assigned intake worker city, state & zip

  • "case_assistant_first" - generates assigned case assistant first name

  • "case_assistant_middle" - generates assigned case assistant middle name

  • "case_assistant_last" - generates assigned case assistant last name

  • "case_assistant_initials" - generates assigned case assistant initials

  • "case_assistant_middle_initial" - generates assigned case assistant middle initial

  • "case_assistant_phone" - generates assigned case assistant phone number

  • "case_assistant_fax" - generates assigned case assistant fax number

  • "case_assistant_ext" - generates assigned case assistant phone extension

  • "case_assistant_email" - generates assigned case assistant email

  • "case_assistant_suffix" - generates assigned case assistant suffix

  • "case_assistant_bar_number" - generates assigned case assistant bar number

  • "case_assistant_address_p1" - generates assigned case assistant street 1 & 2

  • "case_assistant_address_p2" - generates assigned case assistant city, state & zip

December 10, 2020

  • Projected Amount box on Settlement Tab

  • Apex Chat integration

  • OneDrive Integration - Added the ability to disconnect a client folder

  • Added 50% fee logic option

  • Added E-Service as a delivery option on the Discovery Tab

  • New UIM Policy Limit - 350k CSL

  • New Third Party Policy Limit - 350k CSL

  • Hid lien holder from past and future medical providers

  • Updated court contact formatting

  • Updated Florida statute of limitations for public entity defendants to 4 years

  • Minor update to Cost Management cost sorting

  • New Permission - User can disconnect Soluno Case File

  • Soluno Integration - Added the ability to sync check numbers from Soluno

  • Soluno Integration - Added the option to use payables for cost accounting

  • Soluno Integration - Added the ability to connect an existing Case File

  • Soluno Integration - Added the ability to disconnect a Case File

  • Chartsquad Integration - Minor update to New Patient pop-up

  • Quickbooks Online Integration - Update to pending costs screen

  • "client_insurance_block" - generates client insurance company name and address

  • "defendant_insurance_block" - generates defendant insurance company name and address

  • "provider_rec_block" - generates provider name and records address

  • "provider_bill_block" - generates provider name and billing address

  • "accident_type" - generates accident type

November 4, 2020

  • Assign doc categories during upload

  • Track gender on contacts

  • Track prior or future medical treatment

  • Treatment description formatting from the Medical Treatment Tab will now be reflected on the Home Tab

  • Added “Filed Lien” checkbox on Medical Treatment Tab for current providers

  • Added Federal Holidays through 2025 to the Litigation Tab date calculator

  • Added ability to filter user management by office and team

  • Added disbursement status dropdown to the Negotiation Overview screen

  • Added ability to filter by case manager to the Check Deposit Report

  • Added auto note when file location is updated under edit case index

  • Added auto note “Sent text to client” when a text is sent on a case

  • Added ability to track the plan type on Client Health Insurance

  • Added ability to track the plan type on Client Auto Insurance

  • New Permission - Intake Management Admin Page Access for people who should see other people's leads and have ability to filter - Anyone with our old Intake Management permission are grandfathered to this permission

  • ChartSquad Integration - Added the ability to disconnect a patient from case dropdown

  • Captorra Integration - Date of intake is transferred when case is created

  • Soluno Integration - Updated validation messages for errors

  • Soluno Integration - Updated account setting interface

  • Minor update to Litigation Dashboard

  • Defendant

    • "mrms_defendant" - generates Mr. or Ms. based the defendant's gender

    • "heshe_defendant" - generates he or she based on the defendant's gender

    • "hishers_defendant" - generates his or hers based on the defendant's gender

    • "himher_defendant" - generates him or her based on the defendant's gender


    • "mrms_attorney" - generates Mr. or Ms. based on the attorney's gender

    • "heshe_attorney" - generates he or she based on the attorney's gender

    • "hishers_attorney" - generates his or hers based on the attorney's gender

    • "himher_attorney" - generates him or her based on the attorney's gender

    Insurance Adjuster

    • "mrms_insurance_adjuster" - generates Mr. or Ms. based on the insurance adjuster's gender

    • "heshe_insurance_adjuster" - generates he or she based on the insurance adjuster's gender

    • "hishers_insurance_adjuster" - generates his or hers based on the insurance adjuster's gender

    • "himher_insurance_adjuster" - generates him or her based on the insurance
      adjuster's gender

    Property Damage Adjuster

    • "mrms_pd_adjuster" - generates Mr. or Ms. based on the PD adjuster's gender

    • "heshe_pd_adjuster" - generates he or she based on the PD adjuster's gender

    • "hishers_pd_adjuster" - generates his or hers based on the PD adjuster's gender

    • "himher_pd_adjuster" - generates him or her based on the PD adjuster's gender

    Supervisor Adjuster

    • "mrms_supervisor_adjuster" - generates Mr. or Ms. based on the supervisor adjuster's gender

    • "heshe_supervisor_adjuster" - generates he or she based on the supervisor adjuster's gender

    • "hishers_supervisor_adjuster" - generates his or hers based on the supervisor adjuster's gender

    • "himher_supervisor_adjuster" - generates him or hers based on the supervisor adjuster's gender

    Property Damager Supervisor Adjuster

    • "mrms_supervisor_pd_adjuster" - generates Mr. or Ms. based on the PD supervisor adjuster's gender

    • "heshe_supervisor_pd_adjuster" - generates he or she based on the PD supervisor adjuster's gender

    • "hishers_supervisor_pd_adjuster" - generates his or hers based on the PD supervisor adjuster's gender

    • "himher_supervisor_pd_adjuster" - generates him or her based on the PD supervisor adjuster's gender

    Medpay Adjuster

    • "mrms_medpay_adjuster" - generates Mr. or Ms. based on the Medpay adjuster's gender

    • "heshe_medpay_adjuster" - generates he or she based on the Medpay adjuster's gender

    • "hishers_medpay_adjuster" - generates his or hers based on the Medpay adjuster's gender

    • "himher_medpay_adjuster" - generates him or her based on the Medpay adjuster's gender

    Medpay Supervisor Adjuster

    • "mrms_medpay_supervisor" - generates Mr. or Ms. based on the Medpay supervisor adjuster's gender

    • "heshe_medpay_supervisor" - generates he or she based on the Medpay supervisor adjuster's gender

    • "hishers_medpay_supervisor" - generates his or hers based on the Medpay supervisor adjuster's gender

    • "himher_medpay_supervisor" - generates him or her based on the Medpay supervisor adjuster's gender

October 16, 2020

  • Multiselect on Reports

  • Clients can text videos

  • Help Center in CP with Chat

  • New permission - Edit Police Contacts

  • New permission - Add Police Contacts

  • Added "Case Status," "Lien Negotiator, " "Source Type," "Source Detail," "Estimated Fund Date," and "Estimated Case Value" columns to the Fees In Report

  • Added an “Office Phone” column to the Health Providers Report

  • Added bolded case status stages to the case status dropdowns on Reports

  • New UIM policy limits - 15/30 EO, 25/50 EO, 50/100 EO, & 100/300 EO

  • New PIP policy limit - 20k

  • Captorra Integration - Cases are created in a retained status

  • Soluno Integration - New auto note when line items are pushed from pending disbursement back to the case Client Trust

  • Soluno Integration - Case files can be created for clients with more than one case

  • State column on the Open Cases Report now reflects incident state

  • Update to aggregate boxes on Reports for smaller screens

September 22, 2020

  • New Settlement Report

  • Added projected fees, fee status, settlement, fee percentage, and fees in column to Referred Cases Report

  • No notifications for tasks you complete yourself

  • Notifications older than 30 days will automatically clear

  • Updated the case status "Pending Disbursement" to "Disbursement"

  • Added a "Subbed Out Date" column on the Subbed Out Report

  • Updated the auto notes for demands and offers to include the attorney's corresponding note

  • Updated the "case_manager_role" keyword output

  • Updated the "retained_date" keyword output

  • OneDrive Integration - Added ability to edit file names in CASEpeer

  • Captorra Integration - Gender and incident description fields pull into the case

  • Soluno Integration - Client trust items of $0.00 will not push to disbursement

  • Updated default Minnesota statute of limitations to six years, and added statutes for additional case types

  • Updated Missouri statute of limitations to end one day earlier

  • Added the new case type Long Term Disability

  • Fix for multiple day calendar items to show through the proper end date

  • New permissions - Edit Adjuster Contacts

  • New permissions - Add Adjuster Contacts

  • New permissions - Settlement Report Page Access

  • New permissions - Settlement Report Page Admin Access

  • New permissions - Unaccept an Offer

  • New permissions - Edit Accepted Offer Date

August 31, 2020

  • View the number of days before a statute expires with the "Days Left" column on the Statute Report

  • Images can now be uploaded to the Documents Tab of a case

  • Law firms using the OneDrive integration can edit Excel files

  • Use the new keyboard shortcut "L" to quickly log time on a case

  • Restriction on taking fees if there is a pending fee change request

  • Added a "Complete with Time" option to dropdown for tasks

  • Added auto note if office or team is changed on a case

  • Added a 75k option under medpay dropdown

  • Added the option to have a trigger date for the day a task is due

  • Added new document categories for "Accounting" and "Medical Payment"

  • Soluno accounting integration - added the ability to indicate check or credit card payment type on costs

  • Soluno accounting integration - added the ability to set a default credit card account in settings

  • Soluno accounting integration - Refactor of the client trust batching functionality

  • New permissions - Delete photos

  • New permissions - Delete recordings

  • New permissions - Add cases

  • New permissions - Void case costs

  • New permissions - Request costs

  • "all_providers_dates_original" generates first - last dates of service and all original bills for all health providers

  • "all_health_ins_original_final_adjusted" shows the original, final, and adjusted amount for each health insurance

  • "total_settlement_medpay_fees" is the total of all fees on a case, including medpay fees

  • "all_providers_adjusted" calculates the total adjusted bills for all health providers

  • "total_third_party" adds the total of all accepted third party offers

  • "total_um_uim" generates the total of all accepted UM/UIM offers

July 16, 2020

  • Add notes to calendar events and sync them to your outside calendar app

  • The calendar will now remember your last saved filters

  • Updates to the time picker for ease of use

  • You can now add time in 6 minute increments

  • Log time easily when adding notes or completing tasks

  • Enter the hourly fee for each attorney or staff member

  • Law firms can now activate a permission layer for changes to fee logic on individual settlement demands

  • Requests are collected for review on our new Fee Change Request Management screen

  • Law firms using teams can now filter by them in almost every report, management, and overview screen

  • Our teams functionality allows firms to track and filter cases by pod, state, or office location with ease

  • Notes Report

  • Demands Report

  • Defendant Type Report

  • Medpay Requests Report

  • New permission - edit health providers

  • New Permission - edit insurance companies

  • Added location preview for easier contact management on insurance companies, health insurance, and subrogation companies

  • Ability to track the last touch by lien negotiator, visible on Lien Negotiations Management and Negotiation & Disbursement Overview screens

  • Added auto note when disbursement status is changed on the Negotiation & Disbursement Overview screen

  • Updated the Settlement Management screen so anyone with the basic access to the page will see demands and offers for their cases, not just the lead attorney

  • Added auto note for when an unaccepted final amount is updated on the Settlement Tab

  • Updated the time tracking permission

  • Updated the file location permission

  • Added “UIM Demanded” to the Treating Overview screen

  • Ability to filter by "Teams" on the Missing Data Report

  • Updated “Liens” section on Medical Treatment Tab to “Billing”

  • Updated Document Review functionality to resolve bug so files reviewed by you are removed from your list

  • Added a new section to the injury tab, “Treatment Details” to track city and state of treatment

  • Updated permission for the Mass Tort Report

  • New keyword "client_block" for client's name and address

  • New keyword "defendant_block" for a defendant's name and address

  • New keyword "provider_bill_block" for a health provider's name and billing address

  • New keyword "provider_rec_block" for a health provider's name and records address

  • New keyword "subrogation_company_block" for a company's name and address

  • New Keyword "client_adjuster_block" for an adjuster's name and address

  • New Keyword "defense_adjuster_block" for an adjuster's name and address

Febuary 24, 2020

  • Law firms using Dropbox can now view and edit word documents straight from a case in CASEpeer

  • Pause and activate CASEplan tasks while building out the best automated task workflows for your firm

  • See the case rating as a green bar on the Home Tab

  • Ability for users to see their requested costs on a public view of the Costs Management page

  • Added summary boxes and additional improvements to the Demands Report

  • Added time picker to default add calendar event popup

  • Update to sort Contact Directory by last name

  • Added “Email” option as a delivery method under discovery

  • Added invoice number and priority to cost requests on Medical Treatment and Expert Witness Tabs

  • Added ability to mass assign cases to an accountant in User Management

  • Add new template keyword for ”all_providers_orig_pip_owed_final”

  • Update to keyword “all_providers_addresses_original_paid_owed”

  • Updates to provider billing and records keywords so they populate with the correct default value

  • Added new note categories: Probate, Phone Call, Meeting, Court

  • Added new expert witness categories: Oil & Gas

  • Added new PIP options for larger policies

  • Fix for sorting the search results page

  • Fix for payee on Costs Management page

  • Update to preserve the initial Subbed Out date

  • Update to MedPay items on the Settlement Management page

  • Update to Settlement Overview and cases in “Demand Writing” status

  • Minor updates to filtering on Costs Tab

  • Minor updates to contact histories

  • Minor updates to DMV section of Incident Tab

  • Minor updates to QBO bill popup

November 19, 2019

  • Use our new Referred To Tab to track referral details including law firm, attorney, fee, and status.

  • Track your firm's demand history with our new Demands Report.

  • Download all the photos on a case with a single click.

  • Find your reports faster with our alphabetized menu.

  • Added accountant worker to cases for oversight and use in CASEplan workflows

  • Added contact case histories to the Contact Directory

  • Renamed Accounting Management to Costs Management as we add new accounting functionality

  • Added ability to “accept all” outstanding reduction amounts on the Settlement Tab

  • Added sent dates and times to the text notification window

  • Added defendant and client names to the insurance dropdown on Property Damage

  • Added original medical bills and total settlement to attorney and law firm case histories

  • Added link to Discovery Tab from type column of Discovery Management screen

  • Added text opt-in, source type, and source detail filter options to the Missing Data report

  • Added lead attorney and case manager filters to the Retained Cases report

  • Added ability to track codes on costs for accounting purposes

  • Added field for tracking invoice numbers on costs

  • Added ability to set a priority for cost requests

  • Added ability to mark costs as reconciled

  • Added invoice and priority columns to the Costs Management screen

  • Updated Other Parties Tab to display contact notes

  • Added ability to track attorneys on the Other Parties Tab

  • Added auto notes for when documents, photos, or recordings are uploaded to a case

  • Added auto note for when client trust debits are voided

  • Added new contact type: Process Servers

  • Added time and date of death to incident details for Wrongful Death cases

  • Added link to Injuries Tab from current injuries section of Home Tab

  • Update to the CASEplan “All Case Type” functionality

  • Minor update to prevent duplicate cases in Search Results

  • Minor update to the Time Tracking Tab

  • Minor update to the Documents Tab

  • Minor update to the DMV forms popup on the Incident Tab

  • Minor update to the Notes Tab

  • Minor update to routing of Medpay / Pip bar on Home Tab

  • Minor update to the Treating Management screen

  • Minor update to confirm consistency of case age

  • Update to the law firm contact merging functionality

  • Update to the document view window

  • Update to resolve bug when creating expert witnesses from the Contact Directory

October 16, 2019

  • Sync a client's name and phone number to your Mailchimp account in addition to their email.

  • Track your firm's discovery requests sent to or received from an intervenor.

  • Use our new statuses on the Other Parties Tab to track depositions.

  • Use our new default settlement fee option of 22.22%.

  • Added new case types: Environmental, Entertainment, Wills & Trusts, Intellectual Property

  • Added new statuses to the Other Parties Tab: Deposition Pending, Deposition Complete, Trial Witness

  • Added "burn" to the injury checklists

  • Added PIP limit of $4,500

  • Added note category: Appeals

  • Added new expert witness category: Sleep & Fatigue

  • Added new health provider specialties: Allergy, Immunology

  • New keyword for health provider billing office name “provider_bill_office”

  • New keyword for health provider records office name “provider_rec_office”

  • Update to time fields to ensure accurate data entry

  • Update to the “Def 1 liability” column on the Treating Management screen

  • Update to sample case used in CASEpeer tutorial

  • Minor updates to auto notes triggered by editing case index information

  • Minor updates to edit custom intake form popup

  • Minor updates to calendar to improve user experience

July 19, 2019

  • Email attachments synced to CASEpeer will now automatically save to cases. Photos save to the Photos Tab, recordings to the Recordings Tab, and documents to the Documents Tab.

  • You can mark all of your messages as read or unread, and archive or delete all messages in your inbox.

  • Review your marketing campaigns with our enhanced Source Performance Report.

  • You can reset a records or billing request status on the Medical Treatment Tab.

  • Firm administrators can re-assign calendar events from one user to another.

  • Firm administrators can delete all of the messages or tasks for a user.

  • Added ability to see the name of a case in the browser tab

  • Added estimated value, medical bills, defendant policy limits columns to Open Cases Report

  • Added costs column to Open Cases Report and Closed Cases Report

  • Added case manager column to Statute Report

  • Added source type and source detail filters to the Fees In Report

  • Ability to select a Medpay / PIP supervisor on client and defendant insurance

  • Ability to pull “court case name” into e-signature templates

  • Ability to search Missing Data Report by firm file number

  • Update to naming of cases throughout by last name, first name

  • Update to provide more information on e-signature notifications

  • Update to Medical Treatment Tab to display “n/a” records or bills status in green

  • Update to facilitate calling phone numbers through the Chrome App on phones

  • Update to add automatic note when new document is uploaded to a case

  • Minor update to look and feel of calendar to better serve smaller screens

  • Added new note categories Liability, Value, and Text

  • Added new health provider specialties Occupational Therapy, and Autopsy

  • Added new expert witness categories Nursing, Medical Examiner, Weather, Physiatry, Department of Transportation, and Commercial Driver Licenses

  • Added new case types FELA, Drone Accident, and Pharmaceutical

  • Added new case statuses Pre Suit, Medical Records Review, Expert Search

  • Added countries to the country dropdowns for clients who live outside of the U.S.

  • Added 950k and 950k CSL policy limit options

  • Added new policy type options on client’s insurance

  • Added demand note to automatic note regarding new or edited demand

  • Added n/a option to policy limit drop down on defendant’s insurance

  • Added additional contact information to provider history popup

  • Added ability to format treatment descriptions

  • Update to the liability percentage dropdown with options 0-100

  • Update to Attorney dashboard

  • Update to the automatic welcome text so it’s better suited to leads in intake

  • Update to the event type dropdown on Calendar Report for CalendarRules users

  • Update to hide deleted medical treatment providers from the Lien Negotiations Management screen

  • Update to hide deleted medical treatment providers from the Medical Requests Report

  • Ability to do an advanced search by defendant company name

  • Ability to opt into receiving alerts of client texts by email

  • New template keyword “all_providers_addresses” for all providers and their addresses

  • New template keyword for “all_costs” to list all costs on a case

  • New template keyword “all_costs_payment” to list all costs and corresponding payment details

  • New template keywords for name and contact details of the client emergency contact

  • New template keywords for name and contact details of the workers compensation insurance adjuster

  • New template keyword “all_client_adjuster_block” for all client adjusters and their addresses

  • New template keyword “medpay_paid” for amount medpay / pip paid to health provider

  • New template keyword “wc_claim_number” for workers compensation insurance claim number

  • New template keyword “wc_policy_number” for workers compensation insurance policy number

  • New template keyword “visits” for number of visits a client had at a health provider

  • New template keyword “total_lost_misc” for a total of lost wages and miscellaneous liens

  • New template keywords for name and contact details of the medpay/pip supervisor

  • Update to “all_defendants” keyword to include middle names

  • Update to “all_linked” keyword to include middle names

  • Update to auto note when client contact details are edited

  • Update to display informative message when there are issues connecting with CalendarRules

  • Minor update to medpay/pip column on the Treating Management screen

  • Minor update to the vendor creation logic on the Quickbooks Online integration

  • Minor updates to look and feel of the Calendar Report

  • Minor updates to search results to add linked cases

  • Minor updates to look and feel of the client contact merge tool

  • Minor update to field label on Other Parties Tab

  • Minor update to language, source detail, and source type display in the Case Index area

  • Minor updates to footer support link text

  • Minor update to edit adjuster information from Insurance Adjuster Report

  • Updates to descriptions for certain keywords for consistency and clarity

  • Fix to the incident report column on the Treating Overview screen

  • Fix to the Lien Negotiations Management screen for lead attorney filtering

  • Fix on Settlement Tab updating logic for deleting a medpay check

  • Fix to the “all_providers_addresses_paid” keyword

  • Fix for removing workers from Litigation Events

  • Added new statute for Nursing Home cases in Florida

  • Updated certain statute deadlines for Missouri

  • Updated Georgia statute dates to fall within the deadline

March 22, 2019

  • New Mailchimp integration allows you add and remove clients from your marketing lists

  • You can now select service types for deadlines on relevant events with CalendarRules integration.

  • Your accountant can send all costs with synced vendors to QuickBooks Online with a single click.

  • Create custom intake forms for your mass tort types.

  • Ability to add “Incident Description” to e-signature templates

  • Minor tweaks to QuickBooks Online vendor connect window

  • Minor tweaks to QuickBooks integration activation flow

  • Update to payee displaying on the Accounting Management screen

  • Added age, gender, and race columns to the Client Report

  • Added team column to the Open Cases Report, if Teams is activated

  • Added team column to the Closed Cases Report, if Teams is activated

  • Update to Discovery Management to hide closed cases

  • New template keywords “spouse_first” and “spouse_last” for client spouse name

  • New template keywords “spouse_phone” and “spouse_email” for client spouse contact details

  • New template keyword “total_health_insurance_original” for total original health insurance liens

  • New template keyword “language” for client’s preferred language

  • New template keyword “gender” for client’s gender

  • New template keyword “critical_note” for critical case note

  • New template keyword “client_doi” for client name and date of loss

  • New template keyword “case_url” for url of case

  • Added policy limit 1mil CSL to defendant and client insurance

  • Added policy limit 10mil to defendant and client insurance

  • Added policy limit 25mil to defendant and client insurance

  • Update to “Cannot Delete Defendant” window

  • Update so attached emails update a case last touched date

  • Ability to upload HEIC files to the Photos Tab

  • Added new note categories Co-Counsel, Local Counsel, and Photos

  • Added new health provider specialties Neuropsychology and Neuropsychiatry

  • Added new expert witness categories Aquatics, Other, Neurology, Neuropsychology, and Neuropsychiatry

  • Added new case status Probate

  • Added new case types Boat Accident and Civil Rights

  • Updated logic for deleting medpay deposits and reimbursements

  • Minor tweak to add new case window for invalid date of loss check

  • Minor tweak to edit case index popup allowing option to trigger CASEplan

  • Minor tweak to editing of calendar events

  • Minor tweak to the eFax integration

  • Minor tweak to the Client Report

  • Minor tweak to the Settlement Advance Tab

  • Fix for today’s tasks on Attorney Dashboard

  • Fix so users without the permission to add time entry will not see the option

  • Fix to correct spelling of Punjabi in language dropdown

January 29, 2019

  • Select which workers on a case receive client text notifications.

  • You can now see negotiation history with health insurance companies similar to provider history.

  • New keywords for values on the Settlement Tab.

  • Ability to sort Open Cases Report by Team

  • Ability to sort Closed Cases Report by Team

  • Added new contact type “Interpreter”

  • Updated case status “Settlement” to “Settlement Negotiations”

  • Urgent tasks appear in red on Task Management

  • Ability to add spouse name to an e-signature template

  • Ability to add client’s preferred phone to an e-signature template

  • New permission for managing who can change the status of a case

  • Added Source Type column to Intake Report

  • New template keyword “officer” for officer’s name in police report section

  • New template keyword “expert_witness_company” for company name on expert contacts

  • New template keyword “net_client_projected” for projected client net on Settlement Tab

  • New template keyword “net_client_issued” for total of checks issued to client

  • New template keyword “all_providers_specialties_paidowed” for all medical providers with their specialties and paid plus owed bill amounts

  • New template keyword “all_providers_specialties_original” for all medical providers with their specialties and original bills

  • New template keyword “all_providers_specialties_final” for all medical providers with their specialties and final bills

  • New template keyword “all_providers_dates_descriptions” for all medical providers with their treatment dates and descriptions

  • New template keyword “total_advances” for total settlement advance loans

  • New template keyword “total_health_insurance” for total health insurance liens

  • New template keyword “total_miscellaneous” for total miscellaneous liens

  • New template keyword “total_medpay” for total total medpay on Settlement Tab

  • New template keyword “medpay_fees” for total total medpay fees on Settlement Tab

  • New template keyword “firm_fees” for total law firm fees on Settlement Tab

  • New template keyword “total_fees” for total law firm fees plus attorney liens

  • New template keyword “total_attorney_liens” for total attorney liens

  • New template keyword “total_lost_wages” for total lost wages on a case

  • Added new case types Lemon Law, Real Estate, and Sexual Assault

  • Adjustments to DMV Forms section of Incident Tab

  • Minor tweaks to Productivity Report for demand and offer tracking

  • Minor tweaks to demand expiration reminders

  • Minor tweaks to “add demand” popup

  • Minor tweaks to “add note” popup

  • Minor tweaks to the Custom Tab

  • Fix for age filter on Open Cases Report

December 19, 2018

  • You can now select which notifications you want to receive.

  • Add and manage your private mass torts. Activate this functionality in your Account Settings

  • Track your cases by team or office. Activate this functionality in your Account Settings.

  • Ability to to add an estimated fund date to a case

  • Ability to see last touched time on the Intake Management screen

  • Ability to search & filter events on the Litigation Tab

  • Ability to see the requested date on E-Signature Management

  • Minor updates to the Custom Tab

  • Added incident state to the Open and Closed Cases Reports

  • Added source detail to the case index area

  • Added new reason for rejection "Conflict of Interest"

  • Added document category for “Witness Statements”

  • Added new mass tort types “Abilify” and “DePuy Attune Knee”

  • Added provider specialty for “Physiatry”

  • Added new case type “Plane Accident”

  • Added new litigation event “Jury Fee Deadline”

  • Ability to add multiple categories to files on the Documents Tab

  • Ability to sort Open Cases Report by Supervising Attorney

  • Ability to sort Closed Cases Report by Supervising Attorney

  • Ability to sort Statute Report by Supervising Attorney

  • New template keyword “linked_addresses_details” for a list of client and linked clients with their addresses and other details

  • New template keyword “all_providers_original_adjusted” for all medical providers and their final & adjuster bills

  • New template keyword “case_name” for client last name v. defendant last name

  • New template keywords for the firm’s contact information as listed in Account Settings

  • New template keyword “birth_year” for client's year of birth

  • Ability for the client to see photos they’ve uploaded through the client portal

  • Minor updates to keyword dictionary

  • Minor updates to Mail Center

  • Minor updates to the search results screen

  • Minor updates to auto notes on the Edit Case Index popup

  • Minor updates to the Employment Tab

October 31, 2018

  • Archive inactive demands on the Settlement Tab.

  • Update the “intake date” and “retained date” on any case from the Edit Case Index window.

  • Ability to filter Discovery Management by Discovery Type

  • Ability to add firm file number in add new case window

  • New case type Electric Scooter

  • New case type Truck Accident

  • New case type Social Security Disability

  • Fix for displaying fax number on insurance companies

  • New Discovery Type of “Notice of Records Depositions”

  • New health provider specialty of “Counseling”

  • New dictionary keyword “retained” for the date the case was retained

  • Added “lost consciousness” to injury checklist

  • Insurance company email hyperlinked with case email

  • Update to preserve existing categories on auto notes when edited

  • Update to show payee name of cost request notifications for health providers

  • Update to field names on custom intake form builder for clarity

  • Minor updates to billing page look and feel

  • Minor updates on file downloads to preserve name

  • Minor updates on file downloads to preserve type

  • Minor updates to Mail Center

  • Minor updates to Add New Case window

September 14, 2018

  • Custom Intake

  • See "future tasks" on the Tasks Management page.

  • New permission for who can edit logged time entries

  • Task management page remembers selected filters when switching tabs

  • System auto-selects defendant insurance when new contact added

  • Fix for case status “save to linked” on edit assignments popup

  • Ability to sort Open Cases Report by Last Name, First Name

  • When new note window is opened, cursor is placed in text box

  • When new task window is opened, cursor is placed in text box

  • Ability to select “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” as key contact relationship

  • New option of 3500 added to PIP dropdown menu

  • New note category for “Prior Injuries”

  • New document category for “Mediation”

  • Added options to indicate client was pedestrian, bicyclist, or other

  • Estimated case value field added to add new case window

  • Default task reminder time set to present

  • New keyword for “still_owed“ on health providers

  • New keyword “all_case_contacts” for generating list of all contacts on a case

  • New error messages for templates with errors in if / then logic

  • Update to prevent firm administrator from deactivating his or her own user

  • Added cost / lead column to the Source Performance Report

  • Added case manager filter and column to the Fees In Report

  • Updated subrogation representatives to sort alphabetically

  • Fix for sorting Discovery Tab by status

  • Fix of certain fields for subsequent judges on a case

  • Minor updates to the Time Tracking Tab

  • Minor updates to Medical Requests Report

  • Minor updates to Medical Requests Report

  • Minor updates to Health Provider search results popup

  • Minor updates to Expert Witness search results popup

August 17, 2018

  • Log time worked on a case with our new time tracking feature. Activate "Time Tracking" in Account Settings.

  • Find answers in our revamped comprehensive help center. Check it out here.

  • Set priority levels on your CASEplan tasks

  • Ability to merge lead sources

  • Update to calendar user interface for adding and editing events

  • Ability to add multiple day events

  • Ability to add location to calendar events

  • Ability to add a litigation event at any time

  • Updates to the Lien Negotiations Management screen

  • Updates to the Closed Cases Report for faster loading and filtering

  • Minor updates to the keyword dictionary

  • County copies over when creating new linked cases

  • Minor updates to e-signature feature

  • Fractured ribs added to current and past injury checklists

  • New keywords for "first_visit" and "last_visit" on health providers

  • Minor updates to the Source Performance Report

  • Ability to generate template letters on tablets and mobiles

  • Minor updates to Calendar Rules

  • Added Case Type to the Litigation Management screen

  • Updated Settings drop down menu for easier navigation

  • Fix to prioritize the payee column on the Lien Management screen

  • Added new totals to the Settlement Advance Tab

  • Added new expert witness specialty "Neurosurgery"

July 26, 2018

  • Track property damage adjusters and supervisors for each insurance company

  • Set automatic reminders for expiring demands

  • Add locations to your Litigation Events

  • Edit the date and time of an event right from the calendar

  • Ability to add a CASEplan task to several case types at once

  • Open Cases report interface updated for faster loading

  • Ability to add photos and documents to case from search results

  • New columns added to the Source Performance Report for total settlements, total fees, and fees / case

  • New columns added to Litigation Management for Court and Case Name

  • New columns added to Litigation Overviews for County and Case Name

  • Ability to search by case worker roles and incident description on the Missing Data Report

  • Added firm file number to Accounting Management

  • Display preview of client insurance legal representation on the Home Tab

  • Improvements to processing of Hellosign e-signature requests

  • Added new document category for Lien Negotiations

  • Added new expert witness specialties Economist, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Life Care Planning

  • Added new litigation event Witness List Due

  • Ability to upload HTML files

  • Updates to reminders and notifications for a smoother user experience

  • Notifications over 30 days old will be marked as read

  • New keywords for "client_full_name" and "defendant_full_name"

  • New keywords for "client_vin" and "defendant_vin"

  • New keyword for "estimated_value" for estimated case value

  • New keyword "total_ins_paid"

  • New keywords for contact information on source details for "source_phone" "source_fax" "source_address_p1" "source_address_p2"

  • New keyword "all_treatment_descriptions" for all providers with descriptions

  • New keyword "provider_tax_id" for a health provider contact's tax id

  • New keywords for "total_owed" and "interest" for settlement advances

  • New keyword "total_still_owed" for total health bills still owed amount

  • New keyword "total_client_paid" for total amount of health bills paid by client

June 12, 2018

  • Track demands and offers logged by users on the Productivity Report

  • Add calendar events for any time you need

  • Use our new keywords to optimize your demand templates

  • Enhanced search functionality added to the Expert Witness Tab

  • Ability to clear user on calendar for firm-wide calendar view

  • Ability to click document names to view in Documents Tab

  • Ability to upload and view txt files

  • Ability to upload zip files

  • New keywords for client medpay, policy limits, pip, and deductible

  • New keywords for defendant medpay and policy limits

  • New keyword for all health providers with original bills and paid plus owed amounts

  • Case name and court county added to Litigation & Litigation Firm Overviews

  • New case status "Multidistrict Lit" added to Litigation Overviews

  • Litigation attorney and litigation assistant added to Litigation Overviews

  • Case Manager column added to Open Cases report

  • Updated naming of assigned workers field on add litigation event popup

  • Updates to settings menu on mobile view

  • Added new PIP options for $8000 and $2000 / $8000

  • Added source type and source detail to Closed Cases report

  • Minor updates to e-signature feature

  • Added note categories for "Settlement Negotiations" and "PIP"

  • Added new case type "PIP"

  • New treatment specialties "Psychiatry" "Prosthetics" and "Ophthalmology"

  • Fix to permit deleting items on the Other Parties Tab

  • Fix for adding and editing contacts when adding a second judge

  • Minor updates to LOP language on Medical Treatment Tab

  • Minor fix to complete task with note window

June 1, 2018

  • Track legal representation on the plaintiff's insurance

  • When clients text photos they will save straight to the Photos Tab

  • Optimizations developed to speed up page loads

  • Additional metrics added to productivity report

  • Search results now show 25 results per page

  • Updates to enhance calendar loading

  • Updates to calendar to enhance stability

  • Updates to the defendant insurance sorting on Home Tab

  • Added litigation event type Subpoena

  • Updates to language on Settlement Tab PIP section

  • Added new dashboard for mass tort intake

  • Ability to sort defense attorneys by last name

  • New case status for “Demand Writing”

  • New case status for “Appeals”

  • New case status “Disbursed”

  • New case types for Wrongful Termination, Harassment, Discrimination

  • New keyword for for the property damage cost

  • New keyword for for total costs on a case

  • New keyword for for total settlement amount on a case

  • New keyword for for all medical providers and their addresses and paid plus owed amounts

  • New policy limits for 50k CSL and 30k / 85k

  • Alphabetized counties in drop down on incident tab and new case window

  • Ability to add middle name to users

  • Ability to pull user’s middle name or initials into templates

  • Updates to certain auto notes for clarity

  • Updates to integrations section of Account Settings

  • Easy editing of the estimated case value section

  • Mass Tort report for seeing all cases under a specific mass tort type

April 26, 2018

  • Rank cases using our new star rating

  • Scroll through documents for faster reading

  • See your text history when sending or replying to text messages

  • Push Ngage Live chats directly into CASEpeer for streamlined processing

  • Star rating added to management screens and reports

  • MRI and Medpay / PIP Tracking added to Treatment Management

  • Ability to share photos and documents to client portal using "Client Portal" tag

  • Added functionality for opting out a phone number from texting if the client's selected number is changed

  • Ability to add a new cost from an existing cost on a case

  • Ability to enter police report details in the add case window

  • Language added to the client report

  • Client receives email notifications for new client portal messages

  • Updates to the defendant insurance section of the Home Tab

  • Updates to the edit treatment provider window

  • Fix for links to old text message images in notes

  • Due date added in tasks sidebar on Home Tab

  • New keywords for source type and source detail

  • New keyword for all defendants served with addresses

  • New keyword for client's marital status

  • New keyword for incident description

  • New keyword for incident county

  • Updated “referral out” to “referred to” in the add case window

  • Case email added automatically to all email links on Home Tab

  • Ability to add non signer worker names to Hellosign templates

  • Case status column added to Negotiations & Disbursements Overview

  • Added paging in Mail Review Center

  • Client text opt-out moved to its own window

  • Updated note categories for text messages

  • Added medpay / pip option of 8000

  • Updates to defendants served dictionary keyword

  • Updates to edit note functionality

  • Updates to Settlement Management

April 12, 2018

  • Pull fields like client name, date of loss, and more into e-signature templates

  • Reply to client text messages right from the message inbox

  • See the original chain on replies in the message center

  • See the total paid plus owed bills on the Medical Treatment Tab

  • • Addition of due date on task sidebar

  • • New way to view and copy case email addresses

  • • Ability to trigger e-signature requests from Intake Management

  • • Ability to save plaintiff insurance adjusters on linked cases

  • • Ability to add medical treatment providers to linked cases

  • • Added field for estimated case value

  • • Added 125k / 250k policy limit

  • • Defendant description added to Home Tab

  • • New template keyword for all medical providers with addresses and original bills

  • • New template keyword for all medical providers with paid plus owed amounts

  • • New template keyword for all medical providers with original and final bills

  • • New template keyword for paid plus owed amount

  • • New template keyword for adjusted amount

  • • New template keyword for current injuries checklist

    • New template keyword for total original bills plus client's lost wages

    • Replies in message center inherit the category of the original note

    • UI updates to multiple select menus and map icons

  • • New health provider specialties: Infectious Disease & Urology

  • • Added check type to Issued Payments report

  • • Medpay / Pip section added to Home Tab green bars

  • • Update to consistency across notifications

  • • Added $40,000 medpay option

    • Updates to firmwide events

    • Search functionality added to Dropbox view of Documents Tab

March 13, 2018

  • Integrate CASEpeer with your Dropbox account to see files in both places

  • Take advantage of our latest updates to our e-signature functionality

  • Attach documents directly to cases from Mail Center with new permission

  • Template management relocated to "Settings" menu located under the gear icon

  • • New template keywords for "previous injuries" and "current injuries"

  • • Update to dashboard calendar for faster loading

  • • Custom statute reason added to auto note

  • • Update to auto note for new litigation events

  • • New "Case Manager" filter on Open Cases report

  • • New "Case Manager" filter on Closed Cases report

  • • Template context "Health Liens" updated to "Health Providers"

  • • New fields added to the Mail Center popup for better sorting

  • • Fix allowing check requests directly on Expert Witness Tab

  • • Update to search for linked cases functionality

  • • Improvements to the E-Signature Management screen

  • • New health provider specialites: Oncology, Hematology, and Laboratory

  • • Update to injury checklist to optimize for smaller screens

  • • New automatic notes when contracts are sent and signed

Feburary 16, 2018

  • Sign up for our powerful new integrated e-signature feature

  • Clients can text your firm photos, documents, and more

  • Create accountability with last client communication dates

  • Clients can send messages through the client portal

  • New advanced permission for editing statute dates

  • New advanced permission for editing dates of loss

  • Notification when client uploads photo through the Client Portal

  • Documents uploaded through Client Portal go through Mail Review

  • Keyboard shortcut “e” to add a cost on case

  • New reason for rejection “Not Our Practice Area”

  • New medpay policy option “$7,500”

  • New case status "Demand Prepped"

  • New note categories “Incoming SMS” and “Outgoing SMS”

  • “Trigger date” on new task window hidden until due date is added

  • Time zone selection in Account Settings affects calendar event times

  • New dictionary keywords including ones to list all defense adjusters and addresses, all providers and original bills, total original bills, all providers and final bills, total final bills, total lost wages

  • Removed redundant client name header in Message Center preview

  • Defendant conflict message now displays hyperlinks to cases

  • Court counties appear in alphabetical order

  • Auto note when adding or editing discovery event

  • New health provider specialty “Audiologist”

  • Checkbox “Missed Work” added to intake checklist

  • New litigation event type “Ex Parte”

  • Tax ID now displaying on Health Provider contacts

  • Fixed date sorting issues on reports and management screens

  • Fix so “file number” keyword pulls correct data

  • Fix for auto note when editing insurance to say “edited” instead of “added”

  • User interface improvements to Advanced Search popup

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