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Defendant Type Report
Defendant Type Report
Updated over a week ago

The Defendant Type Report lists cases with their defendant information and a breakdown of cases by defendant type.

  • Filter by the defendant type dropdown to search for Private Party, Public Entity, Commercial, and Federal Government Entity defendants.

  • Filter by the Case Manager or Lead Attorney dropdown to see a specific user's cases.

  • Filter by case type, case status, case status category or case age with the other dropdowns.

  • Click the grey dropdown to the right of the case to view case details or the case assignments.

  • Search for a case with the search bar.

  • Sort by a specific column by clicking on the arrows next to the column heading.

  • Export this report by clicking the small page with an arrow on the right-hand side above the dropdowns.

  • NOTE: This is a permission-based report, if you do not have access please contact your firm administrator.

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