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Settlement Report
Updated over a week ago

The Settlement Report allows the firm to see a history of all accepted offers, total offers per case, total accepted offers per selected time range, accepted dates, deposit dates that have been added on the Settlement Tab of cases, and an average accepted offer amount for your firm.

This is a useful report to track historical offers and make future projections on offers for your firm.

  • Filter by a specific time frame by selecting a date range and clicking update, otherwise, the report will default to the current month.

  • Filter by Lead Attorney, Case Manager, or Lien Negotiator dropdown to sort by a specific worker.

  • Filter by Case Type, Case Status or Case Status Category with the other dropdowns.

  • Filter by Source Type and Detail dropdowns to sort for accepted offers by a specific referral source.

  • Click the grey dropdown to the right of the case to view case details, the case assignments, or to add a note or task to the case.

  • Search for a case with the search bar.

  • Sort by a specific column by clicking on the arrows next to the column heading.

  • Depending on your permission level, you may see the cases you are assigned as a lead attorney or case manager or negotiator or an administrator view in which you can see all accepted offers for the firm.

  • NOTE: This is a permission-based report, if you do not have access please contact your firm administrator.

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