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All CollectionsCASE Medical Treatment Tab
Activate Records on Time on the Case
Activate Records on Time on the Case
Updated over a week ago

How to activate Records on Time on a case. Once this is complete, records can be requested with ROT.

  • Navigate to the Medical Treatment Tab of the case.

  • Click Activate ROT at the top of the page.

  • A pop-up window will appear.

  • Upload the client's signed HIPAA form and click Save.

  • NOTE: You must have the following fields filled out within the case for the HIPAA upload to save properly:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Date of Birth

    • SSN

    • Address - a. Address 1, city, state, zip

    • Phone

    • DOL

    • Injury

  • Upload the client's Photo ID.

  • Once your HIPAA and the client's Photo ID are uploaded and saved, you can request records.

  • If the HIPAA form needs to be updated for any reason, click Update ROT to upload a new one.

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