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List of Permission Groups Built Into CASEpeer
List of Permission Groups Built Into CASEpeer
Updated over a week ago

A list of case workers and the features they have permission to access.

These are the permission groups in CASEpeer, with a breakdown of their default permissions. To give a user additional permissions, please use the “Advanced Permissions” link in the edit user window or select the dropdown arrow at the end of the row and select "Advanced Permissions."

  • Firm Administrator

    • All permissions throughout CASEpeer, including ability to edit account settings, users, and payment information

  • Accounting

    • Accounting Management Page Access

    • Case Statistics Report Page Access

    • Check Deposits Admin Report Page Access

    • Check Deposits Report Page Access

    • Client Trust Management Page Access

    • Client Trust Report Page Access

    • Fees In Admin Report Page Access

    • Fees In Report Page Access

    • Issued Payments Report Page Access

    • LawPay Management Admin Page Access

    • Mail Center Access

    • Manage Cost Codes

    • Settlement Management Page Access

    • Settlement Management Page Admin Access

    • Settlement Report Page Access

    • Settlement Report Page Admin Access

    • Time Tracking Report Page Access

    • User Can Archive Demands

    • User Can Delete Paid Costs

    • User Can Delete Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Deposit Checks

    • User Can Edit Case Status

    • User Can Edit or Pay Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Edit Paid Costs

    • User Can Interact With LawPay

    • User Can Interact With Multus Integration

    • User Can Interact With Records On Time Integration

    • User Can Push To Client Trust

    • User can push to Disbursement

    • User Can Request Costs

    • User Can Set Case Rating

    • User Can Void Case Costs

    • User Has Access To CASEpeer File Sync

    • User Is Allowed To Add Cases

    • User Is Allowed To Add Police Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Litigation Events

    • User is allowed to delete or void items from client trust

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Photos

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Recordings

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Staged Items From Client Trust

    • User is Allowed to Delete Tasks

    • User is Allowed to Edit Worker Assignments on a Case

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Date Of Loss

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Or Waive Statutes

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Police Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Unaccept Offer

  • Attorney Worker

    • Case Statistics Report Page Access

    • Check Deposits Report Page Access

    • Defendant Type Report Page Access

    • Demands Report Page Access

    • Disbursement Overview Page Access

    • E-Signature Management Page Access

    • Fees In Report Page Access

    • Insurance Company Report Page Access

    • LawPay Management Admin Page Access

    • Lien Holders Report Page Access

    • Lien Negotiations Overview Page Access

    • Mail Center Access

    • Medical Provider Report Page Access

    • Medical Requests Report Page Access

    • Medpay Requests Report Page Access

    • Pending Assignment Overview Page Access

    • Settlement Management Page Access

    • Settlement Overview Page Access

    • Settlement Report Page Access

    • Text Templates Management Page Access

    • Treating Management Page Access

    • Treating Overview Page Access

    • User Can Accept Offers

    • User Can Add New Folder For OneDrive

    • User Can Archive Demands

    • User Can Delete Paid Costs

    • User Can Delete Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Edit Case Status

    • User Can Edit or Pay Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Edit Paid Costs

    • User Can Interact With LawPay

    • User Can Interact With MoveDocs Integration

    • User Can Interact With Multus Integration

    • User Can Interact With Records On Time Integration

    • User Can Mark Cases As High Value

    • User Can Request Costs

    • User Can Send E-Signature Requests

    • User Can Set Case Rating

    • User Can Void Case Costs

    • User Has Access To CASEpeer File Sync

    • User Is Allowed To Add Adjuster Contacts

    • User Is Allowed to Add Auto Insurance Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Add Cases

    • User Is Allowed to Add Health Insurance Contacts

    • User Is Allowed to Add Health Provider Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Add Police Contacts

    • User Is Allowed to Add Subrogation Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Documents From The Document Tab

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Litigation Events

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Photos

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Recordings

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Staged Items From Client Trust

    • User is Allowed to Delete Tasks

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Adjuster Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Date Of Loss

    • User Is Allowed to Edit Health Provider Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Insurance Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Or Waive Statutes

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Pinned Note

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Police Contacts

    • User is Allowed to Edit Worker Assignments on a Case

    • User Is Allowed To Unaccept Offer

  • Case Management

    • Mail Center Access

    • Medical Requests Report Page Access

    • Pending Assignment Overview Page Access

    • Treating Management Page Access

    • Treating Overview Page Access

    • User Can Accept Offers

    • User Can Add New Folder For OneDrive

    • User Can Delete Paid Costs

    • User Can Delete Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Edit Case Status

    • User Can Edit or Pay Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Edit Paid Costs

    • User Can Interact With MoveDocs Integration

    • User Can Interact With Multus Integration

    • User Can Interact With Records On Time Integration

    • User Can Mark Cases As High Value

    • User Can Request Costs

    • User Can Set Case Rating

    • User Can Void Case Costs

    • User Has Access To CASEpeer File Sync

    • User Is Allowed To Add Adjuster Contacts

    • User Is Allowed to Add Auto Insurance Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Add Cases

    • User Is Allowed to Add Health Insurance Contacts

    • User Is Allowed to Add Health Provider Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Add Police Contacts

    • User Is Allowed to Add Subrogation Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Litigation Events

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Photos

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Recordings

    • User is Allowed to Delete Tasks

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Adjuster Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Date Of Loss

    • User Is Allowed to Edit Health Provider Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Or Waive Statutes

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Pinned Note

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Police Contacts

    • User is Allowed to Edit Worker Assignments on a Case

    • User Is Allowed To Unaccept Offer

  • Intake Worker

    • Dropped Cases Report Page Access

    • E-Signature Management Page Access

    • Insurance Company Report Page Access

    • Intake Management Page Access

    • Intake Management Page Admin Access

    • Intake Report Page Access

    • Investigator Management Page Access

    • Leads Management Page Access

    • Lien Holders Report Page Access

    • Mail Center Access

    • Manage Client Intake Forms

    • Manage Firm Lead Sources

    • Mass Torts Report Page Access

    • Medical Provider Report Page Access

    • Pending Assignment Overview Page Access

    • Referred Cases Report Page Access

    • Rejected Cases Report Page Access

    • Retained Cases Report Page Access

    • Subbed Out Cases Report Page Access

    • User Can Delete Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Edit Case Status

    • User Can Edit or Pay Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Generate Client Intake Link

    • User Can Interact With Multus Integration

    • User Can Interact With Records On Time Integration

    • User Can Request Costs

    • User Can Review Intake Packets

    • User Can Send E-Signature Requests

    • User Can Set Case Rating

    • User Can Void Case Costs

    • User Has Access To CASEpeer File Sync

    • User Is Allowed To Add Cases

    • User Is Allowed To Add Police Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Litigation Events

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Photos

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Recordings

    • User is Allowed to Delete Tasks

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Date Of Loss

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Or Waive Statutes

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Police Contacts

    • User is Allowed to Edit Worker Assignments on a Case

    • User Is Allowed To Unaccept Offer

  • Lien Negotiator

    • Disbursement Overview Page Access

    • Insurance Company Report Page Access

    • Lien Holders Report Page Access

    • Lien Negotiation Management Page Access

    • Lien Negotiations Overview Page Access

    • Mail Center Access

    • Medical Provider Report Page Access

    • User Can Delete Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Edit Case Status

    • User Can Edit or Pay Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Interact With Multus Integration

    • User Can Interact With Records On Time Integration

    • User Can Push To Client Trust

    • User Can Request Costs

    • User Can Set Case Rating

    • User Can Void Case Costs

    • User Has Access To CASEpeer File Sync

    • User Is Allowed To Add Cases

    • User Is Allowed To Add Police Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Litigation Events

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Photos

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Recordings

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Staged Items From Client Trust

    • User is Allowed to Delete Tasks

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Date Of Loss

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Or Waive Statutes

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Police Contacts

    • User is Allowed to Edit Worker Assignments on a Case

    • User Is Allowed To Unaccept Offer

  • Litigation

    • Defendant Type Report Page Access

    • Discovery Management Page Access

    • Insurance Company Report Page Access

    • Lien Holders Report Page Access

    • Litigation Management Page Access

    • Litigation Overview Page Access

    • Mail Center Access

    • Mass Torts Report Page Access

    • Medical Provider Report Page Access

    • Medical Requests Report Page Access

    • User Can Archive Demands

    • User Can Delete Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Edit Case Status

    • User Can Edit or Pay Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Interact With Multus Integration

    • User Can Interact With Records On Time Integration

    • User Can Request Costs

    • User Can Set Case Rating

    • User Has Access To CASEpeer File Sync

    • User Is Allowed To Add Cases

    • User Is Allowed To Add Police Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Litigation Events

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Photos

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Recordings

    • User is Allowed to Delete Tasks

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Date Of Loss

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Or Waive Statutes

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Police Contacts

    • User is Allowed to Edit Worker Assignments on a Case

    • User Is Allowed To Unaccept Offer

  • Office Manager

    • Accounting Management Page Access

    • CASEplan Page Access

    • Case Status Report Page Access

    • Check Deposits Admin Report Page Access

    • Check Deposits Report Page Access

    • Client Report Page Access

    • Client Trust Management Page Access

    • Closed Cases Report Page Access

    • Defendant Type Report Page Access

    • Demands Report Page Access

    • Disbursement Overview Page Access

    • Document Template Upload Center Page Access

    • Dropped Cases Report Page Access

    • E-Signature Management Page Access

    • E-Signature Templates Page Access

    • High Value Cases Report Page Access

    • Insurance Adjusters Report Page Access

    • Insurance Company Report Page Access

    • Intake Management Page Access

    • Intake Management Page Admin Access

    • Intake Report Page Access

    • Issued Payments Report Page Access

    • Leads Management Page Access

    • Lien Holders Report Page Access

    • Lien Negotiation Management Admin Page Access

    • Lien Negotiation Management Page Access

    • Lien Negotiations Overview Page Access

    • Litigation Overview Page Access

    • Mail Center Access

    • Manage Cost Codes

    • Manage Custom Intakes

    • Manage File Locations

    • Manage Private Mass Tort Types

    • Mass Torts Report Page Access

    • Medical Provider Report Page Access

    • Medical Requests Report Page Access

    • Medpay Requests Report Page Access

    • Notes Report Page Access

    • Notes Report Page Admin Access

    • Open Cases Report Page Access

    • Pending Assignment Overview Page Access

    • Productivity Report Page Access

    • Referred Cases Report Page Access

    • Rejected Cases Report Page Access

    • Retained Cases Report Page Access

    • Settlement Management Page Access

    • Settlement Management Page Admin Access

    • Settlement Overview Page Access

    • Settlement Report Page Access

    • Settlement Report Page Admin Access

    • Subbed Out Cases Report Page Access

    • Text Templates Management Page Access

    • Time Tracking Report Page Access

    • Time Tracking Report Page Admin Access

    • Treating Management Page Access

    • Treating Overview Page Access

    • User Can Access Missing Info Report

    • User Can Add New Folder For OneDrive

    • User Can Archive Demands

    • User Can Attach Mail Center Documents Directly To Case

    • User Can Create and Manage Teams

    • User Can Delete Paid Costs

    • User Can Delete Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Edit Case Status

    • User Can Edit or Pay Unpaid Costs

    • User Can Edit Paid Costs

    • User Can Interact With Multus Integration

    • User Can Interact With Records On Time Integration

    • User Can Manage Document Folders

    • User Can Mark Cases As High Value

    • User Can Request Costs

    • User Can Send E-Signature Requests

    • User Can Set Case Rating

    • User Can Void Case Costs

    • User Has Access to All Documents in the Mail Review Center

    • User Has Access To CASEpeer File Sync

    • User Is Allowed To Add Adjuster Contacts

    • User Is Allowed to Add Auto Insurance Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Add Cases

    • User Is Allowed to Add Health Insurance Contacts

    • User Is Allowed to Add Health Provider Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Add Police Contacts

    • User Is Allowed to Add Subrogation Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Documents From The Document Tab

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Litigation Events

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Notes

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Photos

    • User Is Allowed To Delete Recordings

    • User is Allowed to Delete Tasks

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Adjuster Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Date Of Loss

    • User Is Allowed to Edit Health Provider Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Insurance Contacts

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Or Waive Statutes

    • User Is Allowed To Edit Police Contacts

    • User is Allowed to Edit Worker Assignments on a Case

    • User Is Allowed To Unaccept Offer

    • User Is Allowed To View All Open Clients Information

  • Intake Portal

    • Intake Portal Access

  • Receptionist

    • Mail Center Access

    • User Can Set Case Rating

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