How to activate the LawPay integration to send QuickBills directly through CASEpeer to your clients.
Navigate to the
icon in the top right corner of your account and select Account Settings.
Scroll down to the Integrations section and find the LawPay integration.
Click Activate.
A pop-up will appear.
Click Connect.
You will be directed to log-in to your LawPay account.
Enter your LawPay credentials.
Back in CASEpeer, navigate to the
icon in the top right corner of your account and select Account Settings.
Scroll down to the Integrations section and find the LawPay integration.
Click Configure.
Select your preferred default account from the Account Dropdown.
Click Save.
Your account will be integrated with LawPay.
The LawPay QuickBills Tab will now exist at the bottom of each case.